It is all too possible to suffer a serious injury as a result of simply driving or riding as a passenger in a motor vehicle. When involved in a collision, no matter how minor, make sure to stay at the scene (if you are not taken to the hospital by an emergency vehicle) and document as much of the collision as possible. For instance, take photographs and detailed notes. No matter the circumstances do not admit fault at the scene of an accident. Simply ask the other driver(s) and witnesses for their contact information, driver’s license numbers, insurance information, and license plate numbers. Thereafter, immediately seek proper medical treatment and be certain to document all care. Maintaining good records can assist your attorney in securing appropriate compensation for injuries suffered.
An insurance company will encourage you to address issues related to the automobile accident through them. However, you can be certain their interests are not aligned with your own. It is imperative that you contact an attorney for advice on the value of your claim including damages surrounding lost wages, rehabilitation and medical treatment related costs, the costs of potential future medical care, and claims for pain and suffering. As experienced personal injury attorneys, we help our clients recover maximum compensation for injuries sustained in motor vehicle collisions.